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Celebrating Our Students' Accomplishments

Celebrating Our Students' Accomplishments

By Julia Flynn | June 28, 2021 Enrichment Graduation

This June, Communities In Schools® (CIS™) recognizes that it has been an exceptionally difficult year for many of our students. Through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, racial reckonings, and more — our students have persevered. For this reason, affiliates across the country have gone beyond the classroom to celebrate our students’ accomplishments with spirit weeks, gift baskets, parades, and end-of-year celebrations. 



sample photoPride Spirit Week

A CIS of Chicago elementary school supports manager planned a range of activities and created safe spaces to help all students feel supported and celebrated.






sample photoSenior Meal and Dorm Necessities

The  CIS of Heart of Texas team celebrated their graduating seniors by providing them with a meal, sweets, and baskets equipped with dorm necessities.





sample photoSenior Parade

To honor their new graduates, a CIS of Atlanta site coordinator celebrated them with live music and food at the senior parade.





sample photoGraduation Cap Decorating

A CIS of Michigan elementary school held a celebratory cookout and award ceremony for fifth graders moving on to middle school.






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Celebratory Cookout and Awards

A CIS of Michigan elementary school held a celebratory cookout and award ceremony for fifth graders moving on to middle school.





Senior Gift Baskets and Photos
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A CIS of San Antonio site coordinator presented high school seniors with gift baskets, certificates, CIS graduation stoles, and a fun photo backdrop to recognize everything his students have accomplished.





Student Led Video Game Company
sample photoCIS of Los Angeles is celebrating their students who started their own company and created a video game in the middle school’s XY Zone club. 






Taco Party for Seniors
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The CIS of Cameron team coordinated a donation of 450 tacos to celebrate the achievements of their high school senior class.

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