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We're celebrating Skyler's success!

Skyler: CIS Has a Special Place in My Heart

By Communities In Schools, Skyler | April 27, 2023 Graduation

Site Coordinator Ali Jennings from Communities In Schools® of Catoosa County in Georgia has worked with 12th-grader Skyler for four years and is thrilled that he’s graduating this year. According to Ali, Skyler had to overcome many personal challenges, and “through everything, he kept a good attitude and worked hard to graduate on time.” Here’s Skyler’s story in his own words:

First things first, Mrs. Ali and her team are like God giving angels of struggles and stress. 

There have been times when money was short, and my Mom and I were stressed. Communities In Schools helped us out with a lot of stuff. It is not just that they helped with physical stuff, but they helped with emotional things also. I don't know if they realize how much they helped with my anxiety through the years. It took a lot of stress away, not just for me but my Mom also. 

It is such a good feeling to know that there are people out there that care as much as they do. Like I said, they help with the emotional side of it also. For example, I might not be having the best day, but a smile, hug, or just “How are you doing, Skyler?” from them helps me get through my day and even puts a smile on my face.

I am over 100 times thankful for Mrs. Ali and everyone who makes Communities In Schools possible. I know that there are people behind the scenes, so thank you. Every family that comes to them with a need is helped as much as possible.

Communities In Schools has a very special place in my heart and always will. Communities In Schools is one of the best programs someone could have done to help kids in need. I will pay it forward. Thank you so much for all you do.

Skyler has always been such a sweet amazing kid, but as a graduating senior, he has found a passion for helping others. He has already made plans to come back to help me, help others. I look forward to seeing the wonderful things he does to help others in the future.
–  Ali Jennings, CIS Site Coordinator 

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