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Creating Successful Community Partnerships

RampUp for Student Success is professional development powered by Communities In Schools. We give school and youth-serving organization teams the training and tools to address the non-academic barriers that can keep students from succeeding in the classroom. Each of the four course modules can be facilitated as virtual or in-person learning opportunities and are designed to be tailored to the unique needs of each community. Continuing education units (CEUs) are offered upon completion.

Assessing School Needs and Creating a Strategic Plan


Course 1 Overview

This course helps lay a foundation for developing an action plan, framework, and team mobilized around student success. Participants will learn how to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and identify resources from the district and community.

Using Data to Identify and Track Student Needs


Course 2 Overview

This course focuses on how to expand school referral processes to include non-academic data as part of early warning indicators. Participants will learn how to use student support plans and develop systems of progress monitoring to track student improvement.

Forming and Managing Community Partnerships


Course 3 Overview

This course sets the groundwork for activating or deepening strategic school partnerships. Participants will learn how to build program logic models, map community assets, monitor effectiveness, and make strategic adjustments to achieve desired outcomes.

Implementing Integrated Student Supports


Course 4 Overview

This course helps teams develop and initiate a case management process that helps connect students with targeted resources and services based on individual needs. Participants will learn how to implement a tiered system of integrated student supports.

Ready to Ramp Up?

We’re here to help. Fill out the form below to receive more information about virtual and in-person course offerings.

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Ramping Up in Rural Schools


See how RampUp for Student Success is helping one rural school district better connect students and families to needed resources.

Download Case Study